The Ultimate Windows Set
The Ultimate Windows Set.iso
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-= David Smith, 1993 =-
│ │
│ Requires VBUN300.DLL, available on most BBS's │
│ │
│ If you cannot locate it, send a disk to │
│ │
│ David Smith │
│ 1104 Mason Dr │
│ Hurst TX 76053 │
│ and receive a free copy of this program + VBRUN300.DLL │
│ │
NOTE: If you have VBRUN300.DLL, place it in your Windows
SYSTEM directory. Go to the program manager, then:
a) Choose FILE from the menu
b) Select NEW
c) Type in the path and filename of this program:
d) Now just click on the icon to start her up!
ExeMaster is NOT another executable file lister!
ExeMaster combines the power of compression listers with the
ability to show Self-Extracting Archivers, Windows files,
Batch Compiler recognition, self-displaying text files, plus
shows 51 types of files...
ExeMaster recognizes:
PKLITE (tm) version 1.0 and up
LZEXE .90 and .91
DIET all versions
TINYPROG all versions
SCRUNCH 1.0 and up
COMPACK all versions
PKZIP 1.1 - 2.0 self-extracting archives
ARJ all versions of self-extracting archives
LHA all versions of self-extracting archives
SQUEEZE all versions of self-extracting archives
LHARC all versions of self-extracting archives
ARC all versions of self-extracting archives
PAK all versions of self-extracting archives
ZOO all versions of self-extracting archives
LH self-extracting archives
WINDOWS(tm) 2.0 and up files
COM2EXE converted .COM files
COMVERT converted .COM files
TSRMaker TSR converted files
TurboBat compiled batch files
PowerBat compiled batch files
BAT2EXE (PC Magazine) compiled batch files
BatLite compiled batch files
BAT2COM compiled batch files
Laughing Dog self-displaying ANSI screens
TurboTXT self-displaying text files
Asc2Com self-displaying text files
Doc2Com self-displaying text files
Txt2Com self-displaying text files
MakeRead self-displaying text files
TEXE self-displaying text files
BigText self-displaying text files
SHOW 2.0 self-displaying text files
BOOK-E self-displaying text files
RO-SOFT Txt2Com self-displaying text files
DOC Maker self-displaying text files
TXT Maker self-displaying text files
GRABBER self-displaying Graphic Files
GIFEXE self-displaying Graphic Files
Graphic Workshop self-displaying Graphic Files
Graphic Workshop for Windows Graphic Files
Norton(tm) Files Compressed Norton Executable Files
PROTECT EXE/COM (version 1 and 2) Binary encrypted files
COP (version 1.0 and 1.4) encrypted files
XEQ.COM XEQ Library Files
COM-PAK .COM Library Files
==== INCLUDED IN REGISTERED VERSION of ExeMaster Enhanced for DOS =======
/LA (List Archives) Shows files that are in self-extracting archives.
Note that this may take a little time, since this program
is written in C++. And since no one provided me with
header information!!! I manually figured out how the files
were organized.
NOTE: This is Cool. Try it out.
/SYSOP New! Many SYSOPS spend a LOT of time sorting through new
uploads, trying to find descriptions in them. This merely
searches the compressed (ZIP,ARJ,etc) file and tells if
it contains a FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, or .SDA. It may be a
little slow, since it searches through the WHOLE file.
/EXE This shows advanced information about the HEADER of an .EXE file.
NOTE: You can only specify ONE file on the command line
when you use this option!
The typical information provided is:
Signature byte = MZ
Remainder after dividing load module = 8C
Size of file in 512-byte pages = 2A
Number of relocation table items = 0
Size of header in bytes = 32
Minimum memory needed for file = 35536
Maximum memory needed for file = 65520
Offset of stack in load module = 8BE
Stack Pointer register loaded with = 80
Checksum of all words in file = 0 (sometimes zero...)
Instr. Pointer register loaded with = E
Offset of code segment in load mod. = 511
Offset of first relocation item = 1C
Overlay number (zero if no overlay) = 0
These should be self-explanatory. If not, please consult a technical
manual for more information. The important things about the above
Minimum memory needed for file, since this is the absolute
smallest amount of MEMORY you can survive through the .EXE
Overlay number, since an overlay file usually cannot be
compressed with a .EXE compressor.
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ExeMaster has been completely re-written using Assembly Language,
the fastest computer language, period.
EXMA.COM is only 3K long, yet even speedier than this one!
=-=-= EXMA.COM is twice as fast =-=-=
Over four months work, the new ExeMaster is scientifically designed to
search EXACTLY the bytes it needs, the fastest way possible. No
other file identifier can match this speed.
PLUS: Enhanced algorithms in the Classic ExeMaster that allow file
listing: PKZIP 1.1,2.0,ARJ,LHA,PAK,SQZ,LHARC self-extractors.
For example: TEST.EXE 23455 3/2/93 Pkzip 2.0
list.com 23423 4de2
rvs.exe 1642 a830
fit.scr 16 003a
scan.exe 123543 3a04
virus.txt 325 19a0
ARCHIV.EXE 234512 8/09/92 Lha 2.13
backup.com 741 0771
nbackup.set 326352 ff30
dude.com 621 005c
find.exe 4736 00a2
sort.exe 3599 90ad
Wonder if that new upload has FILE_ID.DIZ,DESC.SDI, or an .SDA?
ExeMaster Enhanced will tell you.
PLUS: ExeMaster will soon break down Windows .EXE files, and show you
icon information, memory required, etc.
And detail Graphic File's resolutions, determine Word Perfect's
version, check for actual virus code in files + MORE
WARNING! The HACK REPORT (an on-line magazine discussing Viruses and
Trojans) reports every month on "possible compiled batch files"
or "Lzexe files with missing headers" hiding nasty viruses
and trojans.
Don't get screwed! Know for sure using ExeMaster. If you guess
what's in that weird file, you could be wrong! Check it
first with my reliable utility.
This util is updated Weekly. There's always something new
and exciting!
║ Order ExeMaster Enhanced for only $20.00 ║
║ ║
║ You get ■ Lifetime registration ║
║ ■ Unlimited free upgrades ║
║ ■ The new ASSEMBLER version for DOS ║
║ ■ Extra switches and advanced, useful functions ║
║ ■ ExeMaster for DOS (big version) ║
║ ■ ExeMaster for Windows ║
║ ║
║ Send $20.00 to: ║
║ ║
║ David Smith ║
║ 1104 Mason Dr ║
║ Hurst TX 76053 ║
David Smith is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you
are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman
can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not
provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe
message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
======== UPDATES ==========================================================
1.1 Exe Master for Windows was written in Visual Basic,
a language I have quickly fallen in love with. It
reduced the DOS version's 1200 lines of code into a
couple of hundred lines!
Absolutely awesome...
=============== CREDITS ================================================
Protect! EXE/COM v.3.0 encrypts your EXE & COM files and
leaves them executable, making a complete FILE INTEGRITY CHECK every
time it is run using a complete CRC. Anti-debugging techniques and
a new header have been added to this version to make it more resistant
to cracking and you can customize your own CRC error messages !
SHOW V20 is Copy(c)right 1989,1993 by Gary M. Raymond, New Orleans, La.
Show TEXT Converter (Text to COM) Program V2.0 by Gary M. Raymond
all other archivers and programs are copyright by their
individual authors
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║ Support for this program is available in the following ways: ║
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║ ╓──┐ ╓──┐ ╓─╥─┐ ╥──┐ ╥ ┬ ╓─┐ ╥──┐ ╥──┐ ╥ ┬ ╥──┐ ║
║ ║ ║ │ ║ ║ │ ╟──┘ ║ │ ╙─┐ ╟─ ╟─┬┘ ╙╖┌┘ ╟─ ║
║ ╙──┘ ╙──┘ ╨ ╨ ┴ ╨ ╙──┘ ╙──┘ ╨──┘ ╨ ┴ ╙┘ ╨──┘ ║
║ User ID: 71441,2723 ║
║ I usually log on every day and check my mail. ║
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║ Drop me a line on the Hogard Systems Bulletin Board ║
║ David Smith (214) 641-6292 ║
║ ║
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║ ▀██▀ ▀██▀ ▀██▀ ▀██▀ ▀█▀ ▀████████▀ ║
║ Write to: ║
║ ║
║ David Smith ║
║ 1104 Mason Dr. ║
║ Hurst TX 76053 ║
║ ║